My name is Keith Whelchel, I am a Senior in Mechanical Engineering at Kansas State University. I will be graduating in May 2016 and pursuing a full time engineering position. My focus at Kansas State has been to treat school as my job. I have found that with this mentality school becomes much more motivating. The more courses I take the more my education becomes important to me. Through my course work I am very confident that this is the career that I want to be in.
Along with my course work I have also held job positions during most of my semesters as well as over the summers for Internships. During the school year I have usually graded papers for either the Math Department or the Mechanical Engineering Department. I have found grading to be a beneficial position to have; grading keeps me exposed to course materials that I would have otherwise been likely to forget. Keeping up on past course work helps me to stay ahead in the new course information. I spend less time reviewing old courses and more time absorbing the new subject matter.
Mr. Keith Whelchel, ME
Aside from the positions I have held during the school year I have also held a summer position each year since graduating from high school. For several summers I worked at Solomon Corporation, in my hometown, Solomon, KS. Solomon Corp. is a transformer repair and refurbishment company. At Solomon Corp. I worked my way through each shop, starting out by testing and diagnosing transformers for repair. Then moving to testing transformers after the repairs were finished as a final check before they were prepared for shipment. After working through the shops I was then moved into the engineering department where I helped to create Excel based transformer design calculators.
In all of my job positions I have learned much more than just how to be an engineer but also the importance of past experience. I feel that with hands on experience in the workshop, I can more readily develop solutions that accommodate for the difficulties of workshop restrictions and tolerances.
With my education and work experience I am confident that I can be an effective engineer for any firm. I have proved to myself that I can learn and do anything that I set my mind to. On this site you can find and download my Resume as well as read through the process I use when approaching new projects. I have also included some of my own personal interests as well as professional project involvement. I hope that this site will help to prove to you as well that I will be an effective addition to your team. Please feel free to contact me, either by using the email option on this site, or by use of my provided contact information.
My Engineering Process
About Keith Whelchel
Projects Involvement
Keith's Personal Interests
In my spare time, I like to work on restoring my 1979 Camaro. So far I've reparied most of the body work along with painting the car. (Which needs done again) I also replaced the engine and am working on tuning it correctly for a balance of economy and power.
Another use of my spare time goes to DIY projects of all kinds. I like DIY projects because they give me a chance to learn something new as well as get my hands dirty. As much as I enjoy being an Engineer I find that there is a little too much time spent behind the desk.